International Students Testimonies

"I want to change large organizations in the spirit of the age"

The combination of studies in psychology, media and business brought alumnus Benedikt Hüsch (B.Sc. Media and Business Psychology) to Media University in Cologne. After his studies, he joined the management consultancy Ernst&Young - in addition to his freelance work as a systemic coach. In this interview, he tells us more about his career and his goals for the future.

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Connecting with international students at Coventry University

HMKW student Kristin Hessel (second from the right) with fellow students

Kristin Hessel (B.Sc. Media and Business Psychology at Media University Cologne) was looking for a new challenge: She spent the last winter semester at Coventry University, an Erasmus partner university of Media University. Here she tells us about exciting experiences, encounters with international students and how her semester abroad helped her in both personal and professional terms.

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Photojournalism with focus on social issues

Satoru Niwa: Photojournalist and recent graduate of the M.A. Visual and Media Anthropology.

Satoru Niwa has worked as a photojournalist before as well as alongside his master's degree in Visual and Media Anthropology. With his work, he wants to draw attention to urgent social issues. In his thesis, for example, he investigated socio-spatial exclusion and homelessness in his hometown Tokyo. What he gained from his studies and what he plans to do after his master's degree, he told us here.

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