
Gökçen Kavuk is a second-year student in the Visual Anthropology and Media Anthropology M.A. at the Media University in Berlin. She graduated in 2020 with a Photography bachelor's degree. She works as a digital media manager and community leader for one of the social content curation startup company.

She inspires by sociological and psychological interactions of the human body with the environment in totalitarian regimes. Her work explores and reframes cultural identity, body-trauma relationships, and human-urban interactions. In her self-portrait projects, she focuses primarily on perception and memory with positioning the body through socio-political problems. Using the female body as a provocative tool, the artist seeks to create new forms by avoiding stereotypes. Currently, Gökçen’s research focuses on the anthropologies of Whirling woman artists and the new terminologies of the digital world.

Gökçen lives in Berlin Friedrichshain and is happy to help with any questions you have about the program or settling in Berlin.