Department of Psychology

Psychology as a science has found its way into all areas of life. Within the various psychological disciplines scholars not only explain human behavior in the context of health issues but also have extended their research field to the contexts of work, economy and media consumption.

The field of psychology has boomed over the last few years. Many companies have perceived the importance of psychological know-how, particularly with regard to a living corporate and leadership culture or the economic success of one’s business. The result: the demand for study programs in the field of business psychology has risen rapidly.

Professional associations criticize that many institutions rely on semi-skilled personnel in order to satisfy the need. Not at Media University! We guarantee a profound and professional education with qualified psychologists.

Business Psychology in the CHE University Ranking 2020/21: The subject at the Media University Berlin is among the top of all evaluated universities in several categories. Above all, the particularly high practical relevance and the support of students in the study entry phase are highlighted.

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Success Stories

Whether in internships, employed or already self-employed with own projects and enterprises: Our students and graduates are already successful in marketing, media and advertising psychology, human resources or other related fields.  → To the success stories


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