Student testimonials

Students from the Department of Psychology at Media University talk about their experience.

"Work with passion - and you will win!"

Alumna Lena Janovics is now working in the area of personnel development and recruiting.

For Lena Janovics, graduate of B.A. Media and Business Psychology, it was already clear during her studies that she would like to work in human resources later on. Because she simply loves to work with people! Thanks to her student trainee job at Deutsche Wohnen SE, she was able to start her career right after graduation. In this interview, she talks about her first job position as a recruiter, her plans for the future and her best memories from her student days.

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DJ, artist, label manager: Graduate Joe Metzenmacher lives his dream

Joe Metzenmacher holds a B.A. in Media and Business Psychology from HMKW Berlin.

Music is Joe Metzenmacher's greatest passion. Early on he prepared his professional career in the music business by working on various projects while still a student. So much ambition and tenacity pays off: Today, Metzenmacher now works as a DJ and artist and is a co-owner and label manager of Heideton Records. In this interview he told us to what extent his studies have helped him on his way and which advice he would like to share with other students.

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Turning a hobby into a profession: Akeel Schilde on his career entry into the gaming industry

Akeel Schilde works at the ComboStrike agency.

Computer and video games are Akeel Schildes great passion. So it was clear to him early on that he would like to work in this diverse industry. Since November, he has been working as a Partner Management Specialist at ComboStrike, a Berlin-based agency specializing in the games industry. In the interview he talks about his previous professional experiences and reveals what he enjoys most about his job.

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How to become a feel good manager

Andreas Müller works for Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH as a person of trust in employee retention.

Andreas Müller got to know the job profile of a feel good manager already during his studies of media and business psychology. And he knew: "That's what I'd like to become one day." In the meantime, he has been working for Kaufland Dienstleistung GmbH as a person of trust in employee retention and is taking up the challenge of making the employees' everyday work as pleasant as possible.

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Diverse and challenging: Graduate Paul Nickel about his current job as a HR consultant

Paul Nickel works for the consulting company Robert Half.

Working with people can be found incredibly enriching but challenging at the same time. Paul Nickel who studied B.A. Media and Business Psychology at Media University Berlin experiences this every day in his job. As a HR consultant he supports Berlin-based IT companies to find the right and appropriate staff. How do his studies help him in his profession and what does he love about his current job? Learn more about Paul Nickel and his work as a consultant in this interview.

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From psychology studies to corporate health management

Nadja Schleif (B.A. Media and Business Psychology) was able to take up work immediately after her studies: She has since her graduation been working as a consultant for company health management and organizational development. What she particularly liked about her studies, what she appreciates about her current job and what qualities students of her subject should have, she reveals in this interview.

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"At the end of the day, what counts for me are the candidates"

Today Sana Guist works in the field of human resources.

Small learning groups and a cosmopolitan, multicultural atmosphere: this is what Sana Guist, a graduate in business psychology, particularly appreciated during her studies at the Media University Berlin. Today she still works intensively with people: She works as a recruiter in the Human Resources department and ensures optimal application and selection processes during her work. In the interview she talks about her professional life.

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