International Students Testimonies

"My studies at Media University were an amazing opportunity for me to gain practical experience and learn."

Digital marketing is Ayesha Samia's great passion. She already knows that she wants to get started in this field after graduation (currently: M.A. Public Relations and Digital Marketing). She is currently gaining valuable practical experience as a working student at the digital marketing agency Crealytics. In the interview, we asked her about her work, her favorite courses and projects, and her goals for the future.

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Online marketing & event management at the startup Mindfulife

[Translate to englisch:] HMKW Frankfurt Success Story: Online-Marketing & Eventmanagement beim Startup Mindfulife

At the Frankfurt-based startup Mindfulife, Ivona Rimac worked intensively on the topics of mindfulness and meditation. Due to current conditions, she worked from home and acquired new knowledge in the areas of online marketing and search engine optimization. Ivona is studying Media and Event Management at the Frankfurt Campus.

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From student to entrepreneur

Benedikt Wolter successfully completed his bachelor's degree in journalism and corporate communications at Media University Cologne this year. In this interview, alumnus Benedikt Wolter tells us about his career from student to founder of his own marketing agency, as well as his professional and private goals for the future.

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"Work with passion - and you will win!"

Alumna Lena Janovics is now working in the area of personnel development and recruiting.

For Lena Janovics, graduate of B.A. Media and Business Psychology, it was already clear during her studies that she would like to work in human resources later on. Because she simply loves to work with people! Thanks to her student trainee job at Deutsche Wohnen SE, she was able to start her career right after graduation. In this interview, she talks about her first job position as a recruiter, her plans for the future and her best memories from her student days.

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